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Research Paper (undergraduate) from the year 2014 in the subject Sociology - Individual, Groups, Society, , language: English, abstract: This essay we begin with some theoretical concept of group including the definitions; as given by Sociologists and social anthropologists; group formation, types of group, their characteristic- norms, size, cohesiveness, effectiveness, team building, Conflict and Conflict resolution etc. Stages of Group development - how do group grow, develop or decay? Theories of the Group development, Models of Group development, Leadership-concept, pattern, style and various theories of Leadership - Trait theory, Managerial Grid Theory and Contingency etc. There are following three sub units in this essay- 1.Understanding Group; 2. Group Development Model and Theories and 3. Leadership and Theories
In this essay we will introduce you some basic concept of Group, its importance in understanding the human behavior in group. We hope you will find this write up useful in understanding interpersonal Relationship and Group Behaviour.
Verlag | GRIN Verlag |
Ersterscheinung | Oktober 2014 |
Maße | 21 cm x 14.8 cm x 0.4 cm |
Gewicht | 73 Gramm |
Format | Softcover |
ISBN-13 | 9783656750253 |
Auflage | 1. Auflage |
Seiten | 40 |