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Topics on Fisheries & Aquaculture

Topics on Fisheries & Aquaculture

von Sasmita Panda, Sudhir Kumar Das und Surendranath Padhi
Softcover - 9786202069366
49,90 €
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  • Hinweis: Print on Demand. Lieferbar in 5 Tagen.
  • Lieferzeit nach Versand: ca. 1-2 Tage
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This book entitled ¿Topics on Fisheries & Aquaculture¿ is designed with an objective to cater the needs of the students at undergraduate and vocational levels. The topics were selected referring syllabus for traditional universities and autonomous colleges. Besides the curricular aspects, it contains culture methods of different economically important aquatic organisms for benefit of the educated unemployed youth. They can gather knowledge on the culture of fish, prawn, crabs, molluscs etc. India has vast potential for development of fisheries and aquaculture in available water resources which can address many issues related to nutrition security, rural employment, export earnings etc.


Verlag LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing
Ersterscheinung Dezember 2017
Maße 22 cm x 15 cm x 0.8 cm
Gewicht 209 Gramm
Format Softcover
ISBN-13 9786202069366
Seiten 128
