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This House is Haunted

This House is Haunted

von John Boyne
Softcover - 9780552778428
13,50 €
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1867. When Eliza Caine arrives in Norfolk to take up her position as governess at Gaudlin Hall, she finds the two children in her care alone in the house. Later that night, a terrifying experience reinforces the sense that something is very wrong. Eliza realises that if she and the children are to survive, she must uncover the hall's long-buried secrets and confront the demons of its past ...


Verlag Transworld Publ. Ltd UK
Ersterscheinung April 2014
Maße 19.8 cm x 12.8 cm x 2.5 cm
Gewicht 250 Gramm
Format Softcover
ISBN-13 9780552778428
Seiten 346