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Thin Cloud Removal using Homomorphic Filtering

Thin Cloud Removal using Homomorphic Filtering

von Abdalqadir Salih
Softcover - 9786202078597
35,90 €
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THIN CLOUD REMOVAL USING HOMOMORPHIC FILTERING Thin cloud is opaque, and a photo of the area covered by thin cloud contains the components of the troposphere (thin cloud effect) and the ground reflection of the image. Using Homomorphic Filtering (HF) to remove thin cloud is a popular method occupation as the terrestrial is simply contaminated by the noisy effect which is usually randomly occurring. This research presents an attempt to explain how an HF will be used for thin cloud removal for satellite remote imagery. This is realized by considering the images taken for a ground object as low-frequency components and then attempt to find the best high-pass frequency for them. Here, optimal cut-off frequencies are determined on a semi-automatic maneuver and optimality is tested based on the best tuning for removing the effect of thin cloud on a ground scene. The proposed method has been implemented in MATLAB environment and tested on various images from different locations in order to proof its validity. The results prove that adequate and viable thin cloud removal is achieved and noticeable clear remote sensing images are obtained.


Verlag LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing
Ersterscheinung Dezember 2017
Maße 22 cm x 15 cm x 0.4 cm
Gewicht 107 Gramm
Format Softcover
ISBN-13 9786202078597
Seiten 60