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The Role of Self-Support Methods in Analogical Proplem-Solving

The Role of Self-Support Methods in Analogical Proplem-Solving

von Huda Saifaddin
Softcover - 9783330841697
89,90 €
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This study aimed to investigate the precise role of self-support methods, such as self-explanation and self-constructed diagrams, as an alternative to external methods in enhancing the cognitive processes considered crucial for effective transfer performance in analogical problem-solving that depicts a multi-step process involving source problems and target problems. This was achieved by systematically examining how type of representation (Verbal & Pictorial) and levels of similarity (Principle, Strategy, and Procedural) interact with self-support methods (Self-explanation (SE) and Self Constructed Diagrams (SCD)) in influencing transfer performance.


Verlag Noor Publishing
Ersterscheinung März 2017
Maße 22 cm x 15 cm x 2.6 cm
Gewicht 649 Gramm
Format Softcover
ISBN-13 9783330841697
Seiten 424
