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The Political Discourse of Spatial Disparities

von Ferenc Gyuris
Hardcover - 9783319015071
106,99 €
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Softcover - 9783319377469
106,99 €


This work aims to provide unique insights into the multidisciplinary research on spatial disparities from an unconventional point of view. It breaks with the conventional narrative that tends to interpret this theoretical tradition as a series of factual contributions to a better understanding of the issue. Instead, related theories are investigated in their political, economic, and social contexts, and spatial disparity research is presented as a political discourse. It  also reveals how the propagandistic problematization or de-problematization of geographical inequalities serves the substantiation of political goals, while taking advantage of the legitimate authority of science and the image of scientific objectivity. The book explains how the discourse has functioned from 19 th century social physics over the Cold War period up to Marxist geographies of the current neoliberal age, and in what way and to what extent political considerations prevent related concepts producing ‘objective’ knowledge about the complex phenomenon of spatial inequalities.

Geographical Inequalities Between Science and Propaganda

Geographical Inequalities Between Science and Propaganda


Verlag Springer International Publishing
Ersterscheinung November 2013
Maße 23.5 cm x 15.5 cm
Gewicht 764 Gramm
Format Hardcover
ISBN-13 9783319015071
Auflage 2014
Seiten 381