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The Phatic Communion in the Pillars of Community Drama Transcription

The Phatic Communion in the Pillars of Community Drama Transcription

von Hamdin Kasmir
Softcover - 9786202096430
35,90 €
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Language is used for every walk of life and interest in communication. Verbal communication allows speaker and hearer to have same opportunity to exchange role in expressing something and allow them to use language functions. Speakers can use language to convey his emotion, feeling and intention, ask, command and challenge hearers to do something, explain phenomenon or state, or describe a term of the language. Those are just satisfying informative language function and they don¿t work to keep up social contact with others. This book, therefore, provides a unique language function in verbal communication, phatic communion. Its expression does not mean to express idea or exchange information merely, but it purposes to keep well social contact and make harmony between speaker and hearer. The analysis should help readers and professionals in using language or expression to their friends, families, colleagues, or bosses in proper way to maintain their relationship. Also, it should be especially useful for doctors to have discussion before diagnosing patient, polices to investigate witnesses or criminals, and trainers, teachers or lecturers in instruction and classroom setting.

Types, Functions, Use


Verlag LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing
Ersterscheinung Dezember 2017
Maße 22 cm x 15 cm x 0.4 cm
Gewicht 107 Gramm
Format Softcover
ISBN-13 9786202096430
Seiten 60