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The Light Between Oceans

The Light Between Oceans

von M. L. Stedman
Softcover - 9781451681758
18,50 €
  • Versandkostenfrei
  • Hinweis: Vorübergehend nicht auf Lager, mehr ist unterwegs.
  • Lieferzeit nach Versand: ca. 1-2 Tage
  • inkl. MwSt. & Versandkosten (innerhalb Deutschlands)

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This months-long "New York Times"-bestseller is "irresistible . . . seductive . . . with a high concept plot that keeps you riveted from the first page" ("O, The Oprah Magazine"). After four harrowing years on the Western Front, Tom Sherbourne returns to Australia and takes a job as the lighthouse keeper. After not having a child of her own, his wife Isabel hears a baby's cries in the wind.


Verlag Simon Schuster LLC
Ersterscheinung April 2013
Maße 20.3 cm x 13.1 cm x 2.2 cm
Gewicht 280 Gramm
Format Softcover
ISBN-13 9781451681758
Seiten 345