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The Indian Cowboy 1

The Indian Cowboy 1

von Brita Rose Billert
Softcover - 9783740785369
9,60 €
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The Indian Cowboy -The Night of the Wolves- He drives illegal car races, drinks brandy and smokes pot. Ryan Black Hawk is the king. He's clever and a real ladies' man. The young women are at his feet. But when one night two of his friends are killed in an accident, the tables turn. The love Samantha Crying Crows gives him the strength to fight for his ranch and his horses. The Indian Cowboy's new way is rocky and wide. Lovely books A fate between two worlds. Exciting, realistic and at the same time touching. Ameridian Research A dynamic and exciting contemporary novel with profound characters.

The Night of the Wolves


Ersterscheinung Oktober 2021
Maße 19 cm x 12 cm x 1.9 cm
Gewicht 288 Gramm
Format Softcover
ISBN-13 9783740785369
Seiten 268