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The Impact of Blended Learning in an EFL Writing Course

The Impact of Blended Learning in an EFL Writing Course

von Hanife Bensen und Çise Çavu¿o¿lu
Softcover - 9783659540271
84,90 €
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This study attempted to examine the effectiveness of a writing course designed with the process genre approach (PGA) and a blended learning approach (BLA) for pre-service English language teachers, who are at the same time EFL learners. It also aimed to investigate the attitudes of pre-service EFL teachers towards different approaches to teaching writing after being exposed to the aforementioned approaches. A mixed methods approach was adopted to effectively answer all of the research questions posed through an action research design. Students¿ performances throughout the course were quantitatively evaluated to determine their progress and hence the effectiveness of the course. Data were collected through interviews from 16 participants who took part in the writing course (Stage I) and 17 participants who did not take part in the writing course (Stage II), and through lecturer observation.


Verlag LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing
Ersterscheinung September 2017
Maße 22 cm x 15 cm x 2.2 cm
Gewicht 560 Gramm
Format Softcover
ISBN-13 9783659540271
Seiten 364