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The Divorce Afterlife

The Divorce Afterlife

von Jenn Logan
Hardcover - 9781737197812
22,90 €
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The Divorce Afterlife is a lifeline for every anxious mother struggling with feeling alone and brokenhearted while dealing with divorce. Readers will connect from the first page with Logan's honest account told with humor from the perspective of someone who made it through.


The Divorce Afterlife reveals the emotional struggles with lost identity, depression, and re-establishing self-love. Logan guides her readers through the nuances of healing and offers comfort through understanding. Covering topics like custody agreements, dealing with money matters, forgiveness, infidelity, mental health, and much more, Jenn Logan illuminates a beacon of hope for those who have been searching for it.

Sometimes we survive our divorce simply by knowing someone else survived theirs.

You will make it - I promise!

The Lifeline Every Anxious Mother is Searching for During and After a Divorce


Verlag Jenn Logan & Co.
Ersterscheinung Mai 2021
Maße 23.5 cm x 15.7 cm x 1.8 cm
Gewicht 521 Gramm
Format Hardcover
ISBN-13 9781737197812
Seiten 224