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The Discourse of Business Negotiation

The Discourse of Business Negotiation

Hardcover - 9783110140392
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Frontmatter -- Acknowledgements -- Contents -- Introduction / Wagner, Konrad Ehlich-Johannes -- Part I Business negotiation as discourse type -- What makes a discourse a negotiation? / Wagner, Johannes -- Negotiation, decision-making and formalism: The problem of form and substance in negotiation analysis / Francis, David -- Part II Discourse structures in business negotiations -- International sales talk / Rehbein, Jochen -- The management of discourse in international seller-buyer negotiations / Marriott, Helen -- Telenegotiation and sense-making in the "virtual marketplace" / Firth, Alan -- Organisational power in business negotiations / Charles, Mirjaliisa -- Part III Simulating business negotiations -- Negotiation discourse and interaction in a cross-cultural perspective: The case of Sweden and Spain / Fant, Lars -- Dyadic and polyadic sequencing patterns in Spanish and Danish negotiations interaction / Grindsted, Annette -- English and Danish communicative behaviour in negotiation simulations. On the use of intratextual and intertextual repetition / Andersen, Flemming G. -- An analysis of language use in negotiations: The role of context and content / Neu-John, Joyce / Graham, L. -- Part IV Politeness and disagreement in business negotiations -- The expression of disagreement / Stalpers, Judith -- Culturally determined facework priorities in Danish and Spanish business negotiation / Villemoes, Anette -- Politeness in French/Dutch negotiations / Ulijn, Per van der Wijst-Jan -- References -- Index


Verlag de Gruyter Mouton
Ersterscheinung Oktober 1995
Maße 23 cm x 15.5 cm
Gewicht 735 Gramm
Format Hardcover
ISBN-13 9783110140392
Auflage Reprin 2011
Seiten 392
