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The cry of the Pélican

The cry of the Pélican

von Roger Faglin
Softcover - 9783839165881
17,00 €
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  • Hinweis: Print on Demand. Lieferbar in 2 Tagen.
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’[this novel] is the love story of spirit and soul. It is an alchemic vessel, and reading it opens that vessel and releases into the world of the reader a vibrant synchrony field. It is a remarkable visionary work of art. Whoever reads it is, inevitably, changed.I can't possibly express the luminosity I've experienced from these pages, from the stupendous strength of feeling that naturally blooms in, with and through the mythopoeic awareness of these pages. This story of love is an infusion of masterful humanity, as close to a sacred text as fiction may approach, with a narrative flow as inevitable as the seasons, or starpaths. Its theme is the secret of personal proficiency. Sunlight breaks across the writing voice, cutting through a lot of darkness.’A. A. Attanasio.


Verlag BoD – Books on Demand
Ersterscheinung Juni 2010
Maße 21.5 cm x 13.5 cm
Gewicht 329 Gramm
Format Softcover
ISBN-13 9783839165881
Seiten 240