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The Community of Principles of the European Union

The Community of Principles of the European Union

von Bahij Spiewak
Softcover - 9786200502407
87,90 €
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The system of the community of principles of the European Union is built on two foundations: The pan-European community and the catalogue of principles. The pan-European community is a product of the sum of all organisations, conventions and treaties of the European states after the end of the Second World War. The Catalogue of Principles is the summary of all principles, norms and guidelines produced by the European organisations and treaties after 1945. Through the transfer of values and standards, the contents of the catalogue of principles are transferred into the national law of the member states. The increased ties between the nation state and the Union influenced both the national and European identification content of Union citizens. The expansion and the new positioning of the European Union in the international system update the question of empire. In contrast to 19th century empires, we observe a willing periphery facing the active centre. A suction effect of the periphery contributed massively to the expansion of the Union. This book has been translated with Artificial Intelligence.

and the question of the empire


Verlag LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing
Ersterscheinung Februar 2020
Maße 22 cm x 15 cm x 2.2 cm
Gewicht 542 Gramm
Format Softcover
ISBN-13 9786200502407
Seiten 352
