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The Battle Against Malaria: A Historical and Scientific Exploration

The Battle Against Malaria: A Historical and Scientific Exploration

von Lemony
Softcover - 9783384270658
31,00 €
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The dawn of the scientific era brought a shift in our understanding of malaria. In the 17th century, Italian physician Giovanni Lancisi observed the correlation between swampy areas and malaria outbreaks. This observation, though not entirely accurate, laid the groundwork for further investigation. In 1880, French military surgeon Charles Louis Alphonse Laveran identified a microscopic parasite in the blood of malaria patients, a breakthrough that revolutionized the field. This discovery led to the naming of the parasite, Plasmodium, and the realization that malaria was not caused by bad air or spirits, but by a biological agent. The Life Cycle of the Malaria Parasite Malaria's complexity lies in its intricate life cycle. The Plasmodium parasite thrives within a specific type of female Anopheles mosquito. When an infected mosquito bites a human, the parasite enters the bloodstream, infecting liver cells. Inside the liver, the parasite multiplies asexually before bursting into the bloodstream, where it invades red blood cells. Inside these cells, it continues to reproduce, causing the tell-tale symptoms of malaria - chills, fever, and sweating. Eventually, these infected red blood cells rupture, releasing more parasites back into the bloodstream, perpetuating the cycle.


Verlag tredition
Ersterscheinung Juni 2024
Maße 23.4 cm x 15.5 cm
Gewicht 407 Gramm
Format Softcover
ISBN-13 9783384270658
Seiten 240