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The Acquisition of Lexical and Grammatical Aspect

The Acquisition of Lexical and Grammatical Aspect

von Ping Li und Yasuhiro Shirai
Hardcover - 9783110166156
139,95 €
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Language acquisition is a human endeavor par excellence. As children, all human beings learn to understand and speak at least one language: their mother tongue. It is a process that seems to take place without any obvious effort. Second language learning, particularly among adults, causes more difficulty. The purpose of this series is to compile a collection of high-quality monographs on language acquisition. The series serves the needs of everyone who wants to know more about the problem of language acquisition in general and/or about language acquisition in specific contexts.


Verlag de Gruyter Mouton
Ersterscheinung Oktober 2000
Maße 23 cm x 15.5 cm
Gewicht 616 Gramm
Format Hardcover
ISBN-13 9783110166156
Seiten 261