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Temporal Variables in Speech

Temporal Variables in Speech

Hardcover - 9789027979469
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Frontmatter -- General introduction -- Prospectus for a science of pausology / O'Connell, Daniel C. / Kowal, Sabine -- First section: General aspects -- The place of pragmatics in the syntactic and semantic organization of language / Pribram, Karl H. -- Slips of the tongue as neuromuscular evidence for a model of speech production / Laver, John -- Grammatical incoherence / Brown, E. Keith -- The competing plans hypothesis: An heuristic viewpoint on the causes of errors in speech / Baars, Bernard J. -- Models of verbal planning in the theory of catastrophes / Wildgen, Wolfgang -- Pausological research at Saint Louis University / Kowal, Sabine / O'Connell, Daniel C. -- Second section: Syntactic and structural aspects -- Pauses, prosody, and the demands of production in language / Deese, James -- Pause and syntactic structure / Butcher, Andrew -- Linguistic structures and performance structures: Studies in pause distribution / Grosjean, François -- Phonological status of the pause / Marek, Boguslaw -- Pauses as indicators of cognitive functioning in aphasia / Klatt, Heinz -- Speech control and paraphasia in fluent and nonfluent aphasics / Hofmann, Elisabeth -- Third section: Conversational aspects -- Encoding units in spontaneous speech: Some implications for the dynamics of conversation / Beattie, Geoffrey W. -- Hesitancy as a conversational resource: Some methodological implications / Good, David A. / Butterworth, Brian L. -- The relationship between gaze and speech examined afresh with a Mackworth eye-mark camera / Cook, Mark -- Verbal planning in route directions / Klein, Wolfgang -- Some reasons for hesitating / Chafe, Wallace L. -- Fourth section: Prosodic aspects -- Syllable omission errors and isochrony / Cutler, Anne -- Suprasegmental structure and sentence perception / Bosshardt, Hans-Georg -- Juncture pause and intonation fall and the perceptual segmentation of speech / Henderson, Alan I. -- Some neglected aspects of intonation / Cook, Vivian J. -- The role of pauses and suprasegmentals in a grammar / Ballmer, Thomas T. -- A functional analysis of some pause and pitch step-up combinations / Ozga, Janina -- Towards a subcategorization of speech pauses / Drommel, Raimund H. -- Perception of pauses and automatic speech recognition / Köster, Jens-Peter -- A digital method of pause extraction / Helfrich, Hede -- Fifth section: Crosslinguistic aspects -- The syntactical distribution of pauses in English spoken as a second language by French students / Deschamps, Alain -- Temporal variables in first and second language speech production / Raupach, Manfred -- Pauses and intonation as indicators of verbal planning in second-language speech productions: Two examples from a case study / Dechert, Hans W. -- Results of a contrastive study of hesitation phenomena in French and German / Faure, Marc -- Towards a theory of speech processing: Some methodological considerations / McLaughlin, Barry -- Probe latencies, foreign languages and foreign language learners / Meara, Paul -- Comparative studies of temporal variables in spoken and sign languages: A short review / Grosjean, François -- Verbal strategies: A neglected dimension in language acquisition studies / Di Pietro, Robert J. -- Final discussion -- On the current understanding of temporal variables in speech / Baars, Bernard J. -- References -- Index of names

Studies in Honour of Frieda Goldman-Eisler


Verlag de Gruyter Mouton
Ersterscheinung Juli 1980
Maße 23 cm x 15.5 cm
Gewicht 790 Gramm
Format Hardcover
ISBN-13 9789027979469
Auflage Reprint 2010
Seiten 370