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Temporal Association Rule Based Models for Weather Prediction

Temporal Association Rule Based Models for Weather Prediction

von Dipti Prakashkumar Rana, Mukesh M. Raghuwanshi und Naresh J. Mistry
Softcover - 9786202076166
64,90 €
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From the starting era of computers, computerized systems are extensively utilized in weather forecasting. Due to the boom of internet and online environment of sensors and technology, the huge and variety of weather data is available for prediction. Traditional weather prediction approaches are no longer adequate with respect to time. Thus research work for weather attracts new generation of researchers to achieve a new metric of success by the fast, accurate and efficient solution by inclusion of indirect weather data, novelty and automation. This book, therefore, provides a new metric of success for temporal weather data prediction and supplemental parameters to consider in the traditional weather analysis for accurate prediction. The book covers the analysis and explanation to prepare the models gradually using geo-spatial temporal weather data. The analysis should help shed some light on exciting weather environment and mining. The book should be especially useful to professionals in weather forecasting and researchers, or anyone else who may be considering the research on online weather data using data mining, machine learning, etc

Concept and Stepwise Model Preparation


Verlag LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing
Ersterscheinung Dezember 2017
Maße 22 cm x 15 cm x 1.1 cm
Gewicht 268 Gramm
Format Softcover
ISBN-13 9786202076166
Seiten 168