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Taxonomic studies on the genus Salvia L (Lamiaceae) in India

Taxonomic studies on the genus Salvia L (Lamiaceae) in India

von K. V. Rinshy und P. Sunojkumar
Softcover - 9786133996663
49,90 €
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The book deals with the Taxonomy of genus Salvia L in India. Altogether 31 species of Salvia are identified in India based on field study and consultation of specimens in different herbaria. Detailed morphology of the species were studied and characters of taxonomic importance were scored for preparing the key. Proper identification was done by matching the specimens with the protologue and type specimens. The authors followed online resources like IPNI and WCSP for making conclusion regarding nomenclature. The work gives an outline regarding Salvian diversity in India. The work was carried as part of the MSc dissertation by the second author.


Verlag LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing
Ersterscheinung Dezember 2017
Maße 22 cm x 15 cm x 0.6 cm
Gewicht 155 Gramm
Format Softcover
ISBN-13 9786133996663
Seiten 92