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System Level Design of Reconfigurable Systems-on-Chip

Softcover - 9781441938640
106,99 €
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Hardcover - 9780387261034
106,99 €

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Hardcover - 9780387261034
106,99 €


System Level Design of Reconfigurable Systems-on-Chip provides insight in the challenges and difficulties encountered during the design of reconfigurable Systems-on-Chip (SoCs). Reconfiguration is becoming an important part of System-on-Chip design to cope with the increasing demands for simultaneous flexibility and computational power.

The book focuses on system level design issues for reconfigurable SoCs, and provides information on reconfiguration aspects of complex SoCs and how they can be implemented in practice. It is divided in three parts. The first part provides background information and requirements on reconfigurable technologies and systems. The second one identifies existing methodological gaps, and introduces a design flow for developing reconfigurable Systems-on-Chip. The high level part of the design flow can be covered by two C++ based methodologies: one based on SystemC and one based on OCAPI-XL, both including appropriate extensions to handle reconfiguration issues. Finally, the third part of the book presents reconfigurable SoCs from the perspective of the designer, through three indicative case studies from the wireless and multimedia communication domain.


Verlag Springer US
Ersterscheinung Oktober 2010
Maße 24 cm x 16 cm
Gewicht 378 Gramm
Format Softcover
ISBN-13 9781441938640
Auflage Softcover reprint of hardcover 1st ed. 2005
Seiten 231