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Synthesis of Coordination Compounds and its Applications

Synthesis of Coordination Compounds and its Applications

von Hardikkumar D. Chaudhary, Jabali J. Vora und Jwalant J. Vora
Softcover - 9786202077194
35,90 €
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This book gives an idea about Coordination chemistry and its applications. The book represents ligand types, bonding theories and applications of various coordination compounds. It highlights one heterochelate ligand containing ¿N¿ and ¿O¿ as donor atoms, named Kynurenic acid (KYNA), which is a very important neurological drug with various biological applications. The book also includes the details about metal ions with their orbital splitting patterns, magnetic and spectroscopic properties. Elements and their biological functions with promising applications in tissue engineering, catalytic activity of metals, and the role of metal ions in enzyme action are discussed as well.


Verlag LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing
Ersterscheinung Dezember 2017
Maße 22 cm x 15 cm x 0.4 cm
Gewicht 107 Gramm
Format Softcover
ISBN-13 9786202077194
Seiten 60
