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Summary: Contrary Investing for the 90s

Summary: Contrary Investing for the 90s

von Businessnews Publishing
Softcover - 9782511042281
9,99 €
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The must-read summary of Richard E. Brand's book: "Contrary Investing for the 90s: How to Profit by Going Against the Crowd".

This complete summary of the ideas from Richard E. Brand's book "Contrary Investing for the 90s" explains the theory behind the concept of contrary investing. In his book, the author demonstrates how anticipating the general market and staying ahead of the crowd will earn you greater profits. By reading Brand's advice and learning about the cycles that occur in every market, you will be well equipped to predict market changes and make the right investments.

Added-value of this summary:
¿ Save time
¿ Understand key concepts
¿ Expand your knowledge

To learn more, read "Contrary Investing for the 90s" and find out how you can anticipate market turning points to earn greater profits from your investments.

Review and Analysis of Brand's Book


Verlag Business Book Summaries
Ersterscheinung September 2016
Maße 18 cm x 12 cm x 0.4 cm
Gewicht 55 Gramm
Format Softcover
ISBN-13 9782511042281
Seiten 44