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Summary: Built to Last

Summary: Built to Last

von Businessnews Publishing
Softcover - 9782511043530
9,99 €
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The must-read summary of James Collins and Jerry Porras' book: "Built to Last: Successful Habits of Visionary Companies".

This complete summary of the ideas from James Collins and Jerry Porras' book "Built to Last: Successful Habits of Visionary Companies" shows that the most impressive achievement in the world of business is the creation of a viable and successful company. But what makes a company successful? To answer this question, the authors have studied world-class companies, from Sony to Walt Disney, and provided you with the keys to their success that can be used by almost any business.

Added-value of this summary:
¿ Save time
¿ Understand the keys to success
¿ Expand your business knowledge

To learn more, read "Built to Last" and see how you can create a visionary company that will guarantee world-class success.

Review and Analysis of Collins and Porras' Book


Verlag Business Book Summaries
Ersterscheinung September 2016
Maße 18 cm x 12 cm x 0.4 cm
Gewicht 55 Gramm
Format Softcover
ISBN-13 9782511043530
Seiten 44