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Studies in the Pragmatics of Discourse

Studies in the Pragmatics of Discourse

von Teun A. Dijk
Hardcover - 9789027932495
109,95 €
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Frontmatter -- Chapter one: Towards a pragmatics of discourse -- Chapter two: Pragmatics, presuppositions and context grammars -- Chapter three: A note on the partial equivalence of text and context grammars -- Chapter four: Acceptability in context -- Chapter five: Issues in the pragmatics of discourse -- Chapter six: Pragmatic Connectives -- Chapter seven: Sentence topic and discourse topic -- Chapter eight: Pragmatic macro-structures in discourse and cognition -- Chapter nine: Context and cognition Knowledge frames and speech act comprehension -- Chapter ten: The pragmatics of literary communication -- Chapter eleven: The semantics and pragmatics of functional coherence -- Chapter twelve: Towards an empirical pragmatics Some social psychological conditions of speech acts -- Chapter thirteen: Conclusion, open problems, further prospects and future research -- Bibliography -- Subject Index


Verlag de Gruyter Mouton
Ersterscheinung Oktober 1981
Maße 23 cm x 15.5 cm
Gewicht 725 Gramm
Format Hardcover
ISBN-13 9789027932495
Auflage Reprint 2010
Seiten 331