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Soft Computing for Hybrid Intelligent Systems

Hardcover - 9783540708117
160,49 €
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Softcover - 9783642089756
160,49 €


We describe in this book, new methods and applications of hybrid intelligent systems using soft computing techniques. Soft Computing (SC) consists of several intelligent computing paradigms, including fuzzy logic, neural networks, and evolutionary al- rithms, which can be used to produce powerful hybrid intelligent systems. The book is organized in five main parts, which contain a group of papers around a similar subject. The first part consists of papers with the main theme of intelligent control, which are basically papers that use hybrid systems to solve particular problems of control. The second part contains papers with the main theme of pattern recognition, which are basically papers using soft computing techniques for achieving pattern recognition in different applications. The third part contains papers with the themes of intelligent agents and social systems, which are papers that apply the ideas of agents and social behavior to solve real-world problems. The fourth part contains papers that deal with the hardware implementation of intelligent systems for solving particular problems. The fifth part contains papers that deal with modeling, simulation and optimization for real-world applications.


Verlag Springer Berlin
Ersterscheinung August 2008
Maße 23.5 cm x 15.5 cm
Gewicht 852 Gramm
Format Hardcover
ISBN-13 9783540708117
Auflage 2008
Seiten 448