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Social Structure and Culture

Social Structure and Culture

Hardcover - 9783110113105
109,95 €
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Frontmatter -- Contents -- Hans Haferkamp: In Memoriam -- Introduction: Culture and Social Structure in Recent Sociological Analysis -- Part I Social Structure and Culture - A Tenable Differentiation? -- 1. The Cultural Foundations of Society -- 2. Structures, Cultures, and Knowledge: A Historical and Comparative Exploration -- 3. Symbolic, Institutional, and Social-Structural Differentiation: A Selection-Theoretical Perspective -- Part II. Culture and Modernity -- 1. Sociology and the Crisis of Western Culture -- 2. Differentiation and Culture: Sociological Optimism under Scrutiny -- 3. The Cognitive Representations of Social Inequality: A Sociological Account of the Cultural Basis of Modern Class Society -- 4. Towards a Sociology of Postmodern Culture -- Part III. Culture and Social Action -- 1. Choice and Culture: The Behavioral Basis of Cultural Impact on Transactions -- 2. The Interplay of Culture and Social Structure in the Mind: The Social Actor as a Tangled Decision-Maker -- 3. The Role of the Game Between Culture and Social Action -- 4. The Cultural Construction of Social Identity: The Case of Scotland -- Part IV. Culture, Ideology, and Science -- 1. The (Re)Colonization of Science by the Life- World: Problems and Prospects -- 2. Subjective Rationality and the Theory of Ideology -- 3. Sociology and the Professional Culture of Philosophers -- 4. Legislators and Interpreters: Culture as Ideology of Intellectuals -- The Authors -- Index -- Backmatter


Verlag De Gruyter
Ersterscheinung Juli 1989
Maße 23 cm x 15.5 cm
Gewicht 690 Gramm
Format Hardcover
ISBN-13 9783110113105
Auflage Reprint 2017
Seiten 340