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Sequence Stratigraphic Evolution of Northern Nile Delta Basin

Sequence Stratigraphic Evolution of Northern Nile Delta Basin

von Mohammad Abdelfattah Sarhan
Softcover - 9786202082020
69,90 €
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This book studies the depositional evolution of the subsurface Neogene ¿ Quaternary sediments and their hydrocarbon prospects using sequence stratigraphic analyses for the north-central part of the Nile Delta Basin. The examined sedimentary succession has been subdivided into syn-rift and post-rift megasequences based on seismic sequence stratigraphy. The distribution of the late Miocene normal faulting within the syn-rift megasequence suggests the NNW propagation of the Gulf of Suez Rift. However, the post-rift megasequence represents prograding deltaic sedimentary succession deposited during highly fluctuated relative sea level.

Sedimentary Basin Analysis


Verlag LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing
Ersterscheinung Dezember 2017
Maße 22 cm x 15 cm x 1.5 cm
Gewicht 387 Gramm
Format Softcover
ISBN-13 9786202082020
Seiten 248