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Semiotics and Linguistics in Alice's Worlds

Semiotics and Linguistics in Alice's Worlds

Hardcover - 9783110138948
159,95 €
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Frontmatter -- Foreword -- Contents -- Humpty and Alice / ALMANSI, GUIDO / MCNEIL, HELEN -- Alice's Adventures in Semiosis / NÖTH, WINFRIED -- Curiouser and Curiouser - / BRANDT, PER AAGE -- Naked, Raw Alice / DEL NINNO, MAURIZIO -- "Was It a Cat I Saw?": The Vanishing Sign / BOLDRINI, PAOLA / NOCENTINI, MANUELA / RICCI, PIERO -- Alice's Body: Arrhythmias and Dystonias / RONCADA, ZENA -- What Is Alice, What Is This Thing, Who Are You? / TURCI, MARIO -- Exchange in Alice's World / PETRILLI, SUSAN / PONZIO, AUGUSTO -- Alice in Analysis: Interpretation of the Personal Meaning of Texts / ¿Ó¿¿¿, ANTAL -- Aspects of Coherence in Alice / VITACOLONNA, LUCIANO -- Carroll's Play with Possibilities: Aspects of Coherence in Alice's Adventures in Wonderland / BECKMANN, ULRICH -- The Willing Fields / MONTEGRANDI, GUIDO -- Alice in Wonderland - Aspects of Intertextuality / HOLTHUIS, SUSANNE -- Texts and Metatexts in Alice / TASSINARI, MARIA GIOVANNA -- "Did you say pig, or fig?" / SALSA, PATRICE -- Alice's Omissions / MARELLO, CARLA -- Tenniel: The Logic behind his Interpretation of the Alice Books / NIÈRES, ISABELLE -- Two Portrait Galleries. Remarks on depicting Alice and her Company / HORÁNYI, ÖZSÉB -- Carroll and the Critics: on the Alice Books / FORDYCE, RACHEL -- Some More Writings on Carroll / DEL NINNO, MAURIZIO -- Addresses of the Contributors -- Index of Names -- Index of subjects -- Backmatter


Verlag De Gruyter
Ersterscheinung Juni 1994
Maße 23 cm x 15.5 cm
Gewicht 583 Gramm
Format Hardcover
ISBN-13 9783110138948
Auflage Reprint 2012
Seiten 277