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Selbstfürsorge in helfenden Berufen

Selbstfürsorge in helfenden Berufen

von Ulrike Juchmann
Softcover - 9783170398023
29,00 €
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People in the caring professions are at risk of overlooking their own limitations and needs. Self-care is not a luxury, however, but an indispensable basis for helping. This book presents a model for self-care that takes into account biographical influences, personality factors and structural working conditions. Many practical examples and scientific findings show how mindfulness methods, meditation and self-reflection can help strengthen your own self-care. It becomes clear that self-care can be fun and can enrich the workplace setting. A five-week course presented in a practical way enables readers to make an active start right away. Audio files, recorded by the author herself, are available online to encourage readers to practise.

Wie Achtsamkeit im Arbeitsalltag gelingt

Profil auf der Autorenwelt


Verlag Kohlhammer
Ersterscheinung Juni 2022
Maße 23.2 cm x 15.5 cm x 0.8 cm
Gewicht 232 Gramm
Format Softcover
ISBN-13 9783170398023
Seiten 148
