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Recombination Variability and Evolution

Recombination Variability and Evolution

von A.B. Korol und S. I. Preigel
Hardcover - 9780412494109
213,99 €
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Using an interdisciplinary approach, the authors provide an adaptionist interpretation of the basic features of recombination, its evolutionary significance as a key process in reproduction and its importance in genetic mapping. The book synthesizes much recent information in the fields of evloutionary genetics of recombination, the analysis of genetic markers and breeding applications. The authors analyse recombination through a consideration of computer models, large Drosophila populations and an empirical approach to current theories. Practically-orientated readers will be interested in the discussion of a wide spectrum of mapping methods and the new algorithms proposed for genetic mapping of quantitative loci.

Algorithms of estimation and population-genetic models


Verlag Springer Netherland
Ersterscheinung August 1994
Maße 23.5 cm x 15.5 cm
Gewicht 729 Gramm
Format Hardcover
ISBN-13 9780412494109
Auflage 1994
Seiten 362