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Quentin Tarantino

Quentin Tarantino

von Ian Nathan
Hardcover - 9781781317754
36,00 €
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Quentin Tarantino is undoubtedly the cult filmmaker of our generation. A true cinephile, Tarantino is famed for his visually arresting approach and this book will feature images taken on set and behind the scenes. Packed with stunning pictures from the Kobal archives, this book explores the genesis of Tarantino's unique directorial style and provides insight into his inspirations and his frequent collaborations with favoured actors. This is the ultimate celebration of his work for any Tarantino fan. 

The iconic filmmaker and his work


Verlag Quarto
Ersterscheinung Oktober 2019
Maße 25.6 cm x 22 cm x 3 cm
Gewicht 1184 Gramm
Format Hardcover
ISBN-13 9781781317754
Seiten 176