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Proteolysis in Wound Repair

Proteolysis in Wound Repair

Softcover - 9783540608158
53,49 €
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Extracellular matrix (ECM) turnover is a widespread but in completely understood process. Many studies have been con ducted with the aim of discovering the general mechanisms which produce and maintain the ECM in tissues. Wound re pair in animals has always been a suitable "tool" for exploring these mechanisms. In such a pathologic event, the different components of the healing system can be readily observed since they are exaggerated. It has now become clear that the regulation of protease/inhibitor activity is one of the most im portant steps in maintaining the integrity of ECM in the normal as well as in the pathologic state. As far as the repair process is concerned, a failure in such regulation may result in abnormal wound healing ranging from nonhealing wounds to hyper trophic scarring. Experimental findings have been directly applied in clinical practice. For example, the importance of debridement in nor mal and especially in poorly healing wounds has become much clearer in the recent past. Different methods have been proposed to obtain an optimal wound bed in order to perform skin transplantation. Both mechanical and physical debridement procedures un doubtedly offer some advantages and are essential when extensive third degree burns have to be treated. On the other hand, pain, excessive blood loss, and overall broad and indi scriminate debridement are common negative side effects. Thus, many enzymic formulations have been proposed and used in practice by clinicians all over the world.


Verlag Springer Berlin
Ersterscheinung Mai 1996
Maße 23.5 cm x 15.5 cm
Gewicht 207 Gramm
Format Softcover
ISBN-13 9783540608158
Seiten 114