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Pro SharePoint Disaster Recovery and High Availability

Pro SharePoint Disaster Recovery and High Availability

von Stephen Cummins
Softcover - 9781430263289
48,10 €
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Few IT professionals take the time to learn what needs to be known to do disaster recovery well. Most labor under the pretense that good administration equals close to five-nines uptime. Most technical people do not see the value of planning for disasters until the unexpected has already happened, and the effects of a disaster involving a SharePoint farm—which today houses business information, line-of-business applications, sensitive information, extranets, and other highly important assets—can be staggering.

Pro SharePoint Disaster Recovery and High Availability, Second Edition will take you through a step-by-step process to show how to build an awareness and reaction plan for the inevitable. With a focus on real-world experiences and war stories, author Stephen Cummins weaves an expert tale of woe response and offers you:

  • Ways to see the warning signs of disaster, and ways to avoid it
  • Ways to respond to a disaster while it is happening
  • Perhaps most importantly, how to develop a plan to deal with disaster when it inevitably does happen


Ersterscheinung September 2013
Maße 25.4 cm x 17.8 cm
Gewicht 500 Gramm
Format Softcover
ISBN-13 9781430263289
Auflage 2nd ed.
Seiten 264