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Press Cuttings

Press Cuttings

von George Bernard Shaw
Softcover - 9791041999392
12,00 €
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"Press Cuttings" by George Bernard Shaw is a satirical play that lampoons the sensationalism and manipulation of the media. Set in a fictional European country on the brink of war, the play follows the absurd antics of politicians, journalists, and military leaders as they jockey for power and control of public opinion. Through witty dialogue and clever plot twists, Shaw exposes the hypocrisy and folly of those who seek to shape public perception through propaganda and misinformation. "Press Cuttings" offers a biting critique of the media's role in shaping public opinion and highlights the dangers of unchecked political power. With its sharp humor and timely social commentary, the play remains a relevant exploration of the intersection between politics, media, and public discourse.


Verlag Culturea
Ersterscheinung April 2024
Maße 22 cm x 17 cm x 0.3 cm
Gewicht 69 Gramm
Format Softcover
ISBN-13 9791041999392
Seiten 32