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Planning for a disaster recovery: Strategy for data security

Planning for a disaster recovery: Strategy for data security

von Evans Makwae
Softcover - 9786133990111
35,90 €
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After a disaster event impacts a community, many governments, institutions and aid organizations become involved with the recovery process, often with the stated goal of returning the community to its pre-disaster form. In recent years, this goal has evolved into an approach, termed ¿build back better¿, which builds on vulnerability research and the theory that the post-disaster context offers a window of opportunity for disaster risk reduction and improved re-development. In this sense, the recovery period is seen as a tool for implementing policies and programs designed to remedy the weaknesses in developmental policies, infrastructure and institutional arrangements. The book provides an overview of the disaster recovery literature, beginning with early approaches that provide descriptions of human behavior and the phases of recovery. The migration from centralized mainframe computers to distributed client/server systems has created a concern on data security. If a disaster occurs to an organization that destroys a server or the entire network, a company may not be able to recover from the loss. Developing effective disaster recovery plan will help organizations protect data loss


Verlag LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing
Ersterscheinung Dezember 2017
Maße 22 cm x 15 cm x 0.4 cm
Gewicht 107 Gramm
Format Softcover
ISBN-13 9786133990111
Seiten 60