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Phonological Explorations

Phonological Explorations

Hardcover - 9783110295160
159,95 €
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The 16 papers contained in this volume address a variety of phonological topics from different theoretical perspectives. Combined, they provide an excellent showcase for the diversity of the field. Topics considered include the place of allomorphy in grammar; Dutch clippings; the status of recursion in phonology; the role of contrast preservation in the Grimm-Verner push chain; the phonological specification of Dutch ‘tense’ and ‘lax’ monophthongs; the distribution of English vowels in a Strict CV framework; a dependency-based analysis of Germanic vowel shifts; a Radical CV Phonology approach to vowel harmony; emergentist vs. universalist perspectives on frequency effects in vowel harmony; the representation of Limburgian tonal accents; durational enhancement in Maastricht Limburguish high vowels; constraint conjunction in Mandarin Chinese; lexical tone association in Harmonic Serialism; a constraint-based account of the McGurk effect; a case study of the acquisition of liquids in early L1 Dutch; and the learnability of segmentation in Tibetan numerals.

Empirical, Theoretical and Diachronic Issues


Verlag De Gruyter
Ersterscheinung Oktober 2012
Maße 23 cm x 15.5 cm
Gewicht 659 Gramm
Format Hardcover
ISBN-13 9783110295160
Seiten 355