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Phase-field modeling of microstructural pattern formation in alloys and geological veins

Phase-field modeling of microstructural pattern formation in alloys and geological veins

von Kumar Ankit
Softcover - 9783731504917
47,00 €
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With the advent of high performance computing, the application areas of the phase-field method, traditionally used to numerically model the phase transformation in metals and alloys, have now spanned into geoscience. A systematic investigation of the two distinct scientific problems in consideration suggest a strong influence of interfacial energy on the natural and induced pattern formation in diffusion-controlled regime.


Verlag KIT Scientific Publishing
Ersterscheinung Juni 2016
Maße 21 cm x 14.8 cm
Gewicht 450 Gramm
Format Softcover
ISBN-13 9783731504917
Seiten 242
