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Perfect Radio Communication Coding

Perfect Radio Communication Coding

von Reinhart Rudershausen
Hardcover - 9789462543331
45,95 €
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It can be foreseen that the bandwidth and speed challenges in the communication technology of the past will be the challenges of the future, too, once a smartphone is the standard device in every pocket. In order to overcome the challenges with more and more real-time transmission, all measures have to be taken to extremely improve bandwidth efficiency and througput of the networks. Reinhart Rudershausen's new method leads to remarkable improvement in all communication applications, with the advantages of lower prices for consumers and operators because of simple circuitry. The gain in range and performance can be further enhanced without having to increase the power. Signals can be separated from interfering signals even below the noise level. The limited frequencies can be used more economically and even the electromagnetic interference could be reduced. Decreasing the transmitter power extends the battery reload period of mobile phones. Also, lower power reduces health risks of electromagnetic radiation. The optimum of Quality of Service or transmission reliability can now be achieved with this perfect radio communication coding for the entire communication industry.


Verlag vonjournalisten.de
Ersterscheinung November 2015
Maße 28.5 cm x 21.5 cm x 2.2 cm
Gewicht 877 Gramm
Format Hardcover
ISBN-13 9789462543331
Auflage 7
Seiten 224