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Participation on HIV Prevention & Peer Influence on Drug Addiction

Participation on HIV Prevention & Peer Influence on Drug Addiction

von Sirika Bekele Terfassa
Softcover - 9786202198356
49,90 €
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The U.S. President¿s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (Emergency Plan/PEPFAR) is involving youth in its efforts to strengthen HIV/AIDS prevention. The strategy focuses on promoting abstinence and faithfulness, while also creating a supportive family and community environment for discussing HIV/AIDS. Dedicated and responsible young people are getting involved in a variety of HIV prevention activities. That young people gain more from an experience when they are actively involved is a core premise of youth development/sexual health programming. Research also suggests that programs for youth which are developed through a partnership of youth and adults may be highly effective in building young people's skills and reducing their sexual risk-taking behaviors. The last two hundred years has seen a spectacular expansion in enrollments in basic education. In 1830, near-universal primary education was limited to a few states in the United States, and the great majority of the World¿s children received no formal education at all.


Verlag LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing
Ersterscheinung Dezember 2017
Maße 22 cm x 15 cm x 0.6 cm
Gewicht 155 Gramm
Format Softcover
ISBN-13 9786202198356
Seiten 92
