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Papyri Graecae magicae / Die griechischen Zauberpapyri. Band I

Papyri Graecae magicae / Die griechischen Zauberpapyri. Band I

Hardcover - 9783598742767
159,95 €
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The series was founded in 1896. it is dedicated to rare Greek and Latin texts together with translations and commentaries, as well as detailed introductions, so rendering them more accessible to a broader readership. Since 2000 the series has concentrated on "Homer's Iliad. A full commentary", presenting the text of the Iliad (by M. L. West), a translation (by J. Latacz) and a commentary in German. Since January 2007, the series is being published by de Gruyter. For backlist titles please visit http://www.saur.de/index.cfm?lang=EN&ID=0000007757 .


Verlag De Gruyter
Ersterscheinung Oktober 2001
Maße 24 cm x 17 cm
Gewicht 556 Gramm
Format Hardcover
ISBN-13 9783598742767
Auflage Nachdr. d. 2. verb. Aufl. von 1973
Seiten 200
