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Papaya Fruit and its Composition

Papaya Fruit and its Composition

von Frahat Foda Ali Foda, Mohamed said Moawad Eid und Salah Moustafa Mahmoud Saad
Softcover - 9783330024168
35,90 €
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This book displays a vital and importance topic that features more benefit related to identifying most of the bioactive components and the most important enzymes. Papaya fruit is one of the most popular fruits that are characterized as rich in nutritional value and high health benefits. This book will focus on the main compositions of the papaya fruit pulp and determination of each gradient like total carotenoids, total phenols, total free amino acids, Pectic substances, ascorbic acid, total lipids, crude fiber, protein and carbohydrates. As well as, shows the extraction of papain and pectinesterase enzymes and study its kinetic properties to make the valuation of them as soon as we can use them in many industrial and pharmaceuticals fields.

Bioactive components, Production and Kinetics of some Enzymes.


Verlag LAP Lambert Academic Publishing
Ersterscheinung Januar 2017
Maße 22 cm x 15 cm x 0.6 cm
Gewicht 143 Gramm
Format Softcover
ISBN-13 9783330024168
Seiten 84