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Because diagnosing orofacial pain can be a challenge, the book describes the appropriate history-taking methods, detailed examinations, and relevant tests that will help clinicians to work through the differential diagnosis. Effective medical, surgical, and behavioral approaches are presented, and the importance of a multimodal approach is consistently emphasized throughout the book. The target audience includes pain physicians, anesthesiologists, dentists, neurologists, nurse practitioners, and physician’s assistants.
A Clinician's Guide
Verlag | Springer International Publishing |
Ersterscheinung | Januar 2014 |
Maße | 23.5 cm x 15.5 cm |
Gewicht | 342 Gramm |
Format | Softcover |
ISBN-13 | 9783319018744 |
Auflage | 2014 |
Seiten | 181 |