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Of Memories and Mirages

Of Memories and Mirages

von Abu B. Rafique
Hardcover - 9781958754207
31,90 €
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Although both time and origin separate them, this story is of lives that fate and circumstance have tied to Pakistan. Aasiya slips away from watchful eyes to meet her lover at a teashop in the same city her grandparents, Suraiya and Iqbal, once moved to after meeting amid the bloodshed of the Partition. The owner of the teashop, Salim, also finds himself refuge from Afghanistan's war in the heat of Karachi. Meanwhile, a family nearby deals with the consequences of their son eagerly leaving the city and bearing firsthand witness to the horrors of the seemingly holy war.


Verlag Brandylane Publishers, Inc.
Ersterscheinung Januar 2022
Maße 23.5 cm x 15.7 cm x 2 cm
Gewicht 584 Gramm
Format Hardcover
ISBN-13 9781958754207
Seiten 264