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Malin and the White Reindeer

Malin and the White Reindeer

von Ingrid Zellner
Softcover - 9783743977297
9,99 €
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In a starry winter night in Sweden, six-year-old Malin meets a white reindeer with the ability to speak. Her name is Dálvi, and she turns out to be a wise and insightful friend for the little girl.  Using the legends and traditions of the Sámi people of Northern Scandinavia, Dálvi teaches Malin many beautiful and exciting things about life, nature, seasons, elves and trolls, and the wondrous Northern Lights.  A book parents will love as much as their children do, full of imagination and wisdom.

A story for children and grown-ups

Profil auf der Autorenwelt


Verlag tredition
Ersterscheinung November 2017
Maße 19 cm x 13 cm x 0.5 cm
Gewicht 102 Gramm
Format Softcover
ISBN-13 9783743977297
Auflage 1
Seiten 80
