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LTE A, 5G and Broadcast Channels

LTE A, 5G and Broadcast Channels

von P. Indumathi und R. Raja Kumar
Softcover - 9786138958543
59,90 €
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Superposition codes are used for reliable communication over the additive white Gaussian noise (AWGN) channel at rates approaching the channel capacity. In this work, we develop a communication scheme that codes data using superposition coding scheme in such a way, users in noisy channels can recover a part of the data while users with sufficient signal to noise ratio (SNR) can recover the entire data using subtractive decoding process. Simulation results show that between the complexity of dependencies in auxiliary codeword generation and that of the function, maps them into transmitted codeword.With billions of users worldwide, vying for communication networks (both wired as well as wireless), networking has undergone a paradigm shift. Traditionally optical communication systems are considered as extremely high bandwidth systems. But now with so many users competing for spectrum, even an optical communication system has to be classified as ¿Bandwidth limited communication system¿only! So the demands made by the modern user on networking while he is on the move, is also equally exorbitant. To improve the spectral efficiency, current designs adopt universal frequency reuse.

¿a kaleidoscope of wireless communications


Verlag Scholars' Press
Ersterscheinung August 2021
Maße 22 cm x 15 cm x 0.7 cm
Gewicht 179 Gramm
Format Softcover
ISBN-13 9786138958543
Seiten 108