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von Désiré Kraffa
Softcover - 9786204819655
76,90 €
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Can't stand to hear the incessant complaining of your office colleague? Impossible to work in partnership with this closed-minded person? Finding a work partner is not always easy because the characters of both parties must complement each other while being on the same wavelength. But rest assured, it's not impossible. Some signs of the Zodiac are made to work together, we reveal you without further delay who are the pairs of the Zodiac! In the office, there are many different personalities. Some have a strong character and always think they are right, some are funny but sometimes lack seriousness, others are competitive or very calm. In both professional and personal life, not everyone can get along, it's a question of compatibility. A workspace is a delicate balance, where each personality complements the other. One personality can bring out your best qualities, while others can soften your flaws. It's important to remember that each employee is supposed to be working towards the same goal: the prosperity of the company.



Verlag Our Knowledge Publishing
Ersterscheinung Mai 2022
Maße 22 cm x 15 cm x 1.4 cm
Gewicht 358 Gramm
Format Softcover
ISBN-13 9786204819655
Seiten 228