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Litigation Communication

von Thomas Beke
Hardcover - 9783319018713
106,99 €
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Softcover - 9783319348544
106,99 €

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Softcover - 9783319348544
106,99 €


The book is a brief journey through centuries and jurisdictions and expands on examples of enactment practices of states that support, challenge or even reject communication during pending litigations. England, as the main representative of a jurisdiction, suggests communication solutions potentially different than the practice in the United States where litigation communication first time occurred. Accordingly, the author offers a comprehensive analysis and detailed historical narrative of the positions of various jurisdictions in relation to communication in the legal process. As a kind of applied legal history, the book provides an exploration of historical events that were significant in a legal communication context and addresses their implications for modern enactments. The account looks at the history of regulations to allow a better understanding of the strict rules that have often been cited over the years support or restrict communication in the legal process.  The author provides the reader with proper contexts on different judicial and communication considerations, as well as the collaboration of legal and public relations experts, in a particular form of crisis and reputation management, in the litigation process. As such, this book is an attempt to present an accurate and thoughtful account of the theory and history of litigation communication, which is directly relevant in various debates such as the work on the meaning and context of the Contempt of Court Act in England or the American First and Sixth Amendments in different centuries.

Crisis and Reputation Management in the Legal Process

Crisis and Reputation Management in the Legal Process


Verlag Springer International Publishing
Ersterscheinung November 2013
Maße 23.5 cm x 15.5 cm
Gewicht 4144 Gramm
Format Hardcover
ISBN-13 9783319018713
Auflage 2014
Seiten 174