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Liberal Democracy in Crisis

von Alen Topli¿ek und Alen Toplišek
Hardcover - 9783319979366
74,89 €
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Softcover - 9783030074234
74,89 €

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Softcover - 9783030074234
74,89 €


This book rethinks resistance against neoliberalism in the context of the crisis of Western liberal democracy and the rise of new radical left parties in Europe. Drawing upon a wide range of methodological approaches in contemporary political and social theory, it explores how the aftermath of the 2008 financial crisis represents the opening of possibilities for resistance and examines the structural hurdles facing radical politics in effectively challenging neoliberalism. The author challenges the dominant conceptions of democratic politics by critically interrogating the role of liberalism in the depoliticisation of governing and the neoliberal restructuring of the democratic role of the state. The trajectory of new radical left parties in Slovenia, Greece and Spain is used to demonstrate the need to overcome the binary divide between institutional politics and resistance in radical political theory and practice.

Rethinking Resistance under Neoliberal Governmentality

Rethinking Resistance under Neoliberal Governmentality


Verlag Springer International Publishing
Ersterscheinung Oktober 2018
Maße 21 cm x 14.8 cm
Gewicht 408 Gramm
Format Hardcover
ISBN-13 9783319979366
Auflage 1st ed. 2019
Seiten 214