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Laser Processing of Materials

Hardcover - 9783642132803
267,49 €
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  • Lieferzeit nach Versand: ca. 1-2 Tage
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Weitere Formate

Softcover - 9783642264320
267,49 €

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Weitere Formate

Softcover - 9783642264320
267,49 €


Laser materials processing has made tremendous progress and is now at the forefront of industrial and medical applications. The book describes recent advances in smart and nanoscaled materials going well beyond the traditional cutting and welding applications. As no analytical methods are described the examples are really going into the details of what nowadways is possible by employing lasers for sophisticated materials processing giving rise to achievements not possible by conventional materials processing.

Fundamentals, Applications and Developments

Fundamentals, Applications and Developments


Verlag Springer Berlin
Ersterscheinung August 2010
Maße 23.5 cm x 15.5 cm
Gewicht 587 Gramm
Format Hardcover
ISBN-13 9783642132803
Auflage 2010
Seiten 234