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Languages and Compilers for Parallel Computing

Languages and Compilers for Parallel Computing

Softcover - 9783540644729
53,49 €
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This book constitutes the thoroughly refereed post-workshop proceedings of the 10th International Workshop on Languages and Compilers for Parallel Computing, LCPC'97, held in Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA in August 1997
The book presents 28 revised full papers together with four posters; all papers were carefully selected for presentation at the workshop and went through a thorough reviewing and revision phase afterwards. The papers are organized in topical sections on data locality, program analysis, automatic parallelization, HPF extensions and compilers, synchronization and communication, parallel programming models and language extensions, and instruction level parallelism.

10th International Workshop, LCPC'97, Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA, August 7-9, 1997. Proceedings


Verlag Springer Berlin
Ersterscheinung April 1998
Maße 23.4 cm x 15.6 cm
Gewicht 674 Gramm
Format Softcover
ISBN-13 9783540644729
Auflage 1998
Seiten 440